Institute of Applied Humanitarian Research

Інститут прикладних гуманітарних досліджень​

The Executive Director of the Institute

General administration of the Institute between sessions of the General Meeting and the Management Board is carried out by the Executive Director.

The Executive Director is appointed to the position by the Management Board, by at least three votes of the members of the Management Board, for a term of five years. One person may not be appointed Executive Director for more than three consecutive terms.

The Executive Director may not be a member of the Institute, perform the duties of the Head of the Management Board or Deputy Head of the Management Board, be a member of the Management Board, and/or serve as Comptroller of the Institute.

The Executive Director has the following key powers:

  • administers the general work of the Organization and reports on it to the Management Board;
  • heads, organizes and supervises the activities of the Directorate; carries out and heads preparations for sessions of the Directorate, chairs sessions of the Directorate;
  • without special authorization, acts on behalf of the Institute , represents the Organization in all institutions and organizations, in relations with government agencies, physical and legal entities, including outside of Ukraine;
  • has the authority to sign documents on behalf of the Organization as chief executive;
  • hires and dismisses full-time employees and chief accountant (accountant) of the Institute ;
  • opens accounts with banking institutions signs financial and other documents of the Institute ;
  • issues orders and other decrees governing the activities of the Directorate; organizes preparation of internal acts of the Institute (procedures, provisions, policies, job descriptions, etc.) and submits them to the Management Board for approval;
  • decide other issues within the powers given to the position of the Executive Director by this Charter, decisions of the General Meeting, or the Management Board.

In case of absence of the Executive Director or their temporary incapability to perform their duties, their powers are assumed by the member of the Directorate and/or the full-time employee specified by a written authorization by the Executive Director. Absent such authorization, in case of absence of the Executive Director or their temporary incapability to perform their duties, their powers are assumed by the Head of the Management Board.

At least once a year, the Executive Director reports on their performance to the Management Board and presents an advance action plan for the following year.

By paragraph 16.1. Of the Charter of the Institute (as amended on December 27, 2019), until the election by members of the Management Board of the Executive Director according to the rules provided by the new version of the Statute, the Executive Director of the Institute is Tochenyi Volodymyr