Institute of Applied Humanitarian Research

Інститут прикладних гуманітарних досліджень​

Expert groups

Expert groups may be formed to conduct the expert assessment, interaction, and coordination of experts in the areas of activity of the Institute to achieve the goal of the Institute. Expert groups are subsidiary (advisory) bodies of the Organization, formed on a permanent or temporary basis by a decision of the Council of Founders.

By the decision of the Council of Founders of the Institute, approved by the minutes of the meeting of the Council of Founders № 2/2019 In the CO “Institute of Applied Humanitarian Studies”, permanently, 4 Expert Groups were established:

  1. On the prevention and combating of cybercrime;
  2. On issues of prevention and combating corruption;
  3. On promoting the reform of the judicial system of Ukraine and the protection of human rights;
  4. On sociological research.

The same decision approved the topics and subjects of activity, quantitative and personal composition of these expert groups.

According to the decision of the Council of Founders:

  • Streltsov Lev (PhD in Law, postgraduate of the Max Planck Institute) was appointed the head of the Expert Group on prevention and combating of cybercrime;
  • Mykhailo Buromenskyi was appointed the head of the Expert Group on prevention and combating corruption (Doctor of Law, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of International Law, Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv);
  • Serdiuk Oleksandr was appointed the head of the Expert Group on promoting the reform of the judicial system of Ukraine and protection of human rights. (Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of International Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National University of Law);
  • Volianska Olena was appointed the head of the Expert Group on sociological research (PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Depertment of Sociology and Political Science, Yaroslav Mudryi National University of Law).